Putting Clients First

The Bellinson Group is a Tokyo-based investment manager who takes a long-term, value-oriented, multi-strategic approach to investing.

Who we are


Investment Approach/Philosophy

We maintain that our independence, a framework that consistently prioritizes our clients’ interests.


The Bellinson Group is among the world’s leading independent, offshore investment advisers.


Based on our research, the asset allocation of a portfolio accounts for 70% of investment returns.

How We Help

All of our communication, together with your preferences is recorded in each stage. We can always go back and adapt things to suit your needs.

Record your income, expenses, investments, debts, and savings. Identify future cash-flow needs to maintain a pleasant lifestyle.

Having a well-thought-out retirement plan ranks among the most important steps to guarantee financial independence.

Preparing for retirement is challenging. Investors often require help creating a plan to attain their aims.

Estate planning determines what happens to your assets after death. An estate plan can be part of a well-built financial strategy, but balancing retirement financial needs with legacy intentions may require modifying investing goals, time horizon, and asset allocation.

Preparing for retirement is challenging. Investors often require help creating a plan to attain their aims. Many brokers, financial planners, retirement advisers, and others offer assistance.

Grow your Wealth

Many invest to accumulate wealth. Some investors aim to fund a comfortable retirement without diminishing assets. Others want to increase their investments beyond their lifetime to leave a legacy for heirs, charities, or other organizations.
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